Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finding the Life Balance (AKA "I CAN"T DO THAT!") YES, YOU CAN!

The whole idea about balance is based on the idea that you must always be in motion.  You must be present, in the moment, in your body, attuned to yourself and the person in front of you. Sometimes, you may have some other things on your mind (or on the front of your head!) which some people call "intrusive thoughts." You know, the ones that sound like this "I can't do this right now! I have to get to the office/grocery store/feed the dogs/take a run/decorate for Halloween..." Right? I can hear the chatter in my head. Can you? Listen to it, take a breath (in through your nose, out through your mouth- smell the cookies, blow out the candles...) Then, tense up your shoulders and hold it... higher... and release them suddenly... feel that warmth? The relaxation allows you to take another breath; deeper this time... and exhale... Repeat as necessary. Select a thought. Some people call this a "mantra." One of my favorites is "I love and accept you just the way you are for today." Another is "I will trust that the universe is unfolding just as it should and I will improve every encounter I experience today." If you have trouble finding one, look up "affirmations" and choose one that speaks to you... Practice this every day until it becomes a part of your daily self care routine. Affirm the good and pass it on... "Validate the positive and embrace the challenges and changes ahead of me today. We call these  adventures..."

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