Sunday, November 8, 2009

What a Perfect Day to Focus on Healing from Family Violence

What an ideal time of year to focus on the importance of healing and preventing further family violence. What is it? Where does it happen? It is endemic in our country, crosses all socioeconomic barriers, crosses all educational levels and is absolutely toxic to our families, our communities and our future generations.
Let it stop here... Listening to so many others over the past few months, describing what happens in their own experience... is humbling and a frequent reminder about that old saying "Let there be peace... and let it begin with me." The news about the recent gang rape in Richmond of a 15 year old girl, the news about the two young boys beaten and shot by randomly encountered teenagers last weekend catch our attention and mobilize us to call for justice. What about the well dressed girl standing behind us at Starbucks, on the way to school on Monday morning? Go to and read the stories posted there... they include family bullying... and family violence... Heart wrenching education, there... and hope, as well.

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