Monday, June 28, 2010

Whew! Times... They Are a 'Changin'... Empty Nesting Prep 101-A

Fascinating phase of life... Our youngest (her daughterness) asked me a few weeks ago: "Mom, what are you going to do without me?" (Half of parenting is deciding when it is ok to laugh and when it ISN'T!) I reflected "Well, that is hard to imagine... I will have a lot of trouble knowing when the light turns green, which way to turn, how to set the table and pour the milk and ..." 
I love the fact that she sees the world from her 17 year old perspective! She is incredibly sweet and thoughtful, while she retains the fervor and teenager central focus- that piece which is so absolutely necessary for successfully launching... We'll see... So far, so good... In the meantime, we are repainting our little soon-to-be-empty nest and I really am thinking that I may well need help in order to know when the light turns green... and so it goes... :-)

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