Morning Memo: The Importance of the Morning Sales Meeting
I've been reading a lot about neurological research and bias lately. I particularly am fascinated by how easily we are influenced by our "hard wired" desire to keep our lives "predictable" even though life is anything BUT predictable. So, if our brain is designed to believe that whatever we tell it is TRUE, then it seems like the wisest course is to consciously direct what our brain is telling us. I tell my brain "X" and then my brain tells me "X". So... if I tell myself "I am going to create my very best effort today" then I am prescribing a direction and a purposeful action plan for my day's activity. If I focus on having an "attitude of gratitude" as I begin this daily trek, I can arm myself with the patience, compassion, and sense of humor(!) I will need as I greet each day. I find that the easiest way to develop that is by making my "Gratitude List." "I am grateful for..." And that's how we "sell" ourselves on actualizing the plan! Simple...
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