Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Brand with Wordle and Facebook Page Launch

I am catching up with "modern times" today. On the strong advice from others (ya, ya, ya...) I have made this new Wordle, which includes various "synonyms" with my mission statement and my professional foci (I learned that is the plural form for the word "focus".) 
I also started my professional Facebook Page:
That was absolutely frightening... There was no time to do a "draft" or think it over! I tend to value and fully embrace the beauty and wonder in reflection, running ideas and drafts by my "FOCI GROUP" (gotta work in that new word) and generally operate by the principle "When in doubt, DON'T." 
However, I discovered today that this is not how social media works. I have been inspired by Stephanie Kimbro, my MILO listserve mates, Brandify, MyCase, Virtual Mediation Labs and numerous clients to forge ahead. These folks have no idea of their inspirational impact and are not responsible for any of these decisions. Thank you for your kind tolerance. 
"There is no such thing as bad feedback. Good news or bad news; it is all valuable! Thank you."

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